
The Sleeves I’ve Used For Pokemon TCG

KMC Sleeves KMC sleeves are smooth and provide an excellent shuffling experience. As a mash shuffler, I can confirm that they feel great and make shuffling effortless. The sleeves allow for easy scrolling through your deck, making it seamless to search for specific cards. Another advantage of KMC sleeves is that they keep your cards […]

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Ways to Get Good Deals on Pokémon Cards

1. Network with Other Players The Pokémon community is incredibly friendly and always willing to help fellow players. I’ve had times when I was searching for specific cards, and people just gave them to me for free. Once, I was looking for Dusknoir, and a player handed me four copies—no charge. More recently, I asked […]

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Resources That Help Prep Me for League Cups and League Challenges

How I Improved My Pokémon TCG Gameplay Through Consistency and Preparation When I first started competing in League Cups and League Challenges, I had no idea how to prepare for these tournaments. However, after reading Isaiah Cheville’s article, Local Lowdown — How to Prepare for the Return of Cups and Challenges, on PokéBeach, I applied one […]

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Welcome to Clever TCG ! My name is Andrew Nguyen. I share and document my experience in Pokemon TCG and products I used in the past. 

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